On March 30 and 31, 2022, members of the Southeast Steering Committee for the Ciências do Mar met at Universidade Federal Fluminense to define this year’s opeartional schedule for vessel. Professors Felipe Daros (UNESP), José Juan Alba (UNIFESP), Luana Pinho (UERJ), Vinicius Peruzzi (UFRJ), Aguinaldo Martins (UFES), Jones Santander (IFES) participated in the meeting. On that occasion, a visit to the ship was carried out, when the members of the committee were able to see the equipment integrated into the vessel, learn about the onboard facilities and make the first contacts with the crew. In the meetings that followed, the various operational, strategic and technical aspects for the use of the ship by the consortium of universities from the southeast region were discussed, always focusing on optimizing the operation by offering boarding opportunities to the greatest possible number of students from all institutions.